About codemute

codemute is an open-source organization aimed to maintain completely free and open-source projects. The authors and the maintainers of the projects are the members of the codemute organization.

The goal

The goal of the organization is to provide and maintain a good set of open-source projects with MIT license. The projects may or may not be code related. The initiative is completely non-profit.

The codemute projects are from different domains. You can find all of the codemute projects on Github.

If you are new to open-source then codemute can provide you excellent practice on starting with the open-source projects. Have a look at the projects and try to contribute to them through source, documentation, anything. Even finding a spelling mistake would do!

Future projects

Currently the organization is very new and getting some good projects is a task but we are very positive and soon we will have some awesome projects for you to look at. Also, if you like some project then make sure to give it a star. :star: